Dr. Erol Esquivel received his DDS equivalent Dental Degree in 1999, from the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in the state of Leon, Nicaragua in Central America. After graduation in 2000-2001 made an Internship in Restorative Sciences Costa Rica University (UCR) San Jose, Costa Rica. In 2004 received the Certificate in Oral Rehabilitation from Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogota-Colombia.
He then practiced as Titular Professor in UNAN Dentistry School until 2018. During those years he worked as coordinator in different section in Restorative as Occlusion, Fixed Partial Denture Pre-clinic and Clinic, Removable Partial Denture and Complete Denture. Dr Esquivel also was Adjunct Professor in the Specialty of Orthodontics teaching Occlusion, in the Specialty of Prosthodontics teaching removable partial dentures supported with dental implants. He served also as Coordinator of the fellowship in Aesthetic Dentistry at the UAM. Dr Esquivel has been an advisor to different investigations at UNAN.
Dr. Esquivel is an active affiliated to Pontifical Javeriana University in the role of member of the Academic Committee of the Dental Journal Universitas Odontologica, and International Member of American Dental Association. He was an Opinion Leader for GC America and 3M Dental. At the same time, he worked in his Private Practice for more than 15 years in his hometown Leon, Nicaragua.
He always stood out for his dedication, professionalism, and nice personality. Once you know him, you will confirm his dedication and passion to the concept of High-Quality Education.